DevOps/Build/Release/ Infrastructure and a Site-Reliability engineer with 11+ years of experience in deployments, infrastructure management, solving complex problems and exhibiting better troubleshooting skills.
A Senior software engineer responsible to build, deploy, monitor and maintain microservices applications along with infrastructure provisioning and management. Experienced in migration of microservices between AWS-GCP. An ingenious SRE, part of Tech-Ops Infra team with responsibility of configuring, installing, maintaining, monitoring, troubleshooting websites, domains, application servers(linux), and Databases for numerous clients across the globe. Played key-role in Supporting development, deployment operations in different environments. Ensuring the reliability, scalability, and availability of the applications on various cloud providers. Providing inputs for effective capacity planning and cost optimization of the resources. Experience in working on DevOps/Agile operations process and tools area (Code review, Build & Release automation, Environment, Service, Incident, and Change Management). An AWS Solutions Architect Associate and Predix Cloud Platform certified professional. Have a good understanding and working knowledge of container orchestration technologies. Implemented CI/CD for deploying applications on cloud environments. Experienced in the full Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and Methodologies & validation. Expertise in Agile Testing Methodologies &Software Test Life Cycle (SDLC). A good team player and collaborator and can communicate clearly and concisely, both orally and in writing.
A Senior software engineer part of DevOps team responsible to build, deploy and monitor microservice applications for five products.
Responsible to create and maintain CI/CD through harness and infrastructure terraform tools.
Played a prominent role in aws-gcp migration to migrate 20+ microservices along with underlying resources, tools, methods and architecture involved.
Setup and maintained GitHub branching, PR rules, auto-merge actions, checks, web-hooks, ADGroups and worked on designing branching strategies.
Coordinated more than 40+ production releases, based on agile methodology with a timeline of three week sprint.
Created and modified Harness CI/CD pipelines to build, deploy microservice applications on aws & gcp providers. Also helped other teams for harness adoption.
Added, modified environment and secret variables of microservices app and deployed through terraform.
Created, modified and maintained secrets through SOPS encryption mechanism.
Worked on tagging requirements on infrastructure for various products through terraform as part of maintenance and compliance.
Worked on restoring, optimizing and creating rds oracle and postgressql clusters. Also, cloudsql postgressql & mysql clusters.
Integrated splunk observability to ecs services as part of monitoring microservices apps.
Used kubectl to perform day-to-day operations like monitor, restart, delete, check logs of pods and deployments.
Created complete infrastructure for cloud-storage buckets as part of gcp migration.
Implemented end-end workflow to migrate all data between s3togcs buckets using IAM, sqs, s3, Pub-sub, gcs, storage-transfer-service.
Worked on creating, configuring and mofifying helm charts for deployment of microservice apps on GKE.
Config file Formats - HTML,XML, JSON and YAML
Scripting- Shell Scripting,Python, Groovy Scripting,JavaScript
Database - Postgres SQL,MongoDB, Mysql, Oracle
Container Orchestration - Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Rancher Marathon, Istio
CI/CD - Jenkins, Version Control - GitHub,Harness
Infrastructure & Config Management - Terraform & Ansible
Cloud computing – (Amazon Web services - EC2, IAM, S3,CFT, Cloud Watch, ECS),Cloud foundry(predix cloud), GCP(GKE, GCS, STORAGE TRANSFER,CLOUDSQL,CLOUDARMOR,INGRESS)
Build Automation - Maven, ant, grunt, gulp, npm, make
Office Tools - Microsoft Office and Outlook
Application Servers -Web logic, Tomcat, IIS, and Xamp
Messaging Queue - Rabbit MQ, KAFKA
Monitoring tools - APM, Cloud watch, New relics, Prometheus, Kibana, Splunk, kiali
Active Directory, SAML, Open Id Connect, API's - Rest, Soap
Operating Systems - MS Windows XP/2000/2007, Windows 7 and Windows 10, Macos, Linux, UNIX
IDE, Dev Tools - Eclipse, STS
SDLC & Testing- Agile Methodologies, Junit, Manual Testing, JIRA, service now, confluence, Rally
Aws Certified Solutions Architect, Associate
Aws Certified Solutions Architect, Associate